The Easiest Ways to Meet Your Neighbors

Developing friendships with your neighbors is not only fun, but it can also provide you with a sense of security knowing who lives around you.
Moving is both an emotional and often a stressful time. We tend to get so wrapped up in the actual moving process that we just don’t make the time or the effort to get to know our neighbors. Knowing your neighbors not only helps provide you with a sense of security, but it also gives you a friend that you can rely on to look after your home while you’re away on vacation, perhaps get your mail for you, or even someone to form carpools with to get your kids to and from school.
Here are a few tips to remember for when you move into a new community or for when a new family moves in beside you:
1. Just say “Hi”. Even a friendly wave can go along way. Using those basic manners that our parents taught us is the best way to meet new people.
2. Connect socially. Be the first to set up a Facebook page for your community. This is a great way to share news or see what fun events are coming up. A community Facebook page is always a great way to put a name with a face, and then the next time you see that person out and about you will be able to call each other by name.
3. Plan neighborhood events. Once your community has a Facebook page, you can then easily plan community gatherings. Plan a night to meet at the food trucks, have a girls night at your local wine bar, or even just plan a cul-de-sac party! You will be surprised how many of your neighbors are looking for fun things to do within their community as well.
4. Drop off a welcome gift. If you know that a family is moving in, drop off a small welcome basket. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive, just a few small gifts (a candle, dishtowel, snacks, a small plant, etc.) that will make them feel welcomed. It is also nice to include a card with your family’s names on it and maybe even your cell number.