Preparing Your Home for Virtual Learning

Many families are beginning to prepare for the start of a new school year. While this upcoming year is definitely going to look different then the previous ones, there are still things that you can do to make sure your children have a great 2020 school year. So here are a few tips that we hope will help make your families transition into the virtual learning easy and successful.
Designate a workplace. A desk or table is ideally the best option for your kids to sit and learn from, however, we know that a desk might not be feasible for some families. The next best spot is going to be a table, dining room, kitchen table, etc. It can also be beneficial to have separate spaces, one spot where they go to learn on their computers, another place where the can sit comfortably and read on their own, and even a place where they can sprawl out and be crafty and creative.
Physical activity. Make your kids move. Think of this as PE time. Get outside and walk, bike, run, skate, whatever. All kids need to move for at least 30 minutes to an hour a day ,this is the best way to help them release that built up tension and stress of being inside and on a computer.
Set a schedule. Kids especially thrive off of a routine and schedule. Create a schedule that works for the entire family, and try to stick to it each day.
Keep in touch with friends. It is going to be extremely important for kids to keep in touch with one another. Plan times where you kids can meet up with their friends, and this can easily be done outdoors.
Check in. 2020 is a stressful year for all of us. No matter how old or young you are, everyone is and has been affected by this pandemic. Make sure you are checking in with your kids and asking them how they are feeling and if there is anything that you can do to help make their school year more successful.
Take breaks. This can also be a great time to get some physical activity in. Breaks are going to be necessary for a child of any age. Staring at a computer screen all day can be exhausting, and you will want to make sure your kids take breaks often to avoid fatigue.