Is It Time for You to Downsize?

When is the right time to downsize? For some it might be when your last child goes off to college, for others it might be when you retire. Downsizing doesn’t mean your new home will be of less quality or value, it can simply mean less maintenance, less stress, and a more manageable home. That can mean a home with less square footage, a home with less land to take care of or a home with fewer bedrooms or no stairs. If you are on the fence about downsizing from your current home, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Your home isn’t going to age with you.
For many older homes, the Main Bedroom is located on the second floor. As you age getting up and down the stairs to get to your bedroom might become a challenge. Things like a curb-less shower with no tub and a larger main bathroom become more attractive and safer for you as you age. Storage that is easily accessible is another big factor to keep in mind.
Maintaining an older larger home is expensive.
Is maintaining your older home taking up a portion of your retirement funds? Living in a new home can reduce the amount of money that you were spending on maintaining an older home. New homes are just that, brand new. You will have warranties on those big ticket items and brand new everything.
Too many unused rooms.
Do you feel like you’re paying to heat, cool, clean, and maintain many square feet that you use once or twice a year? Downsizing can give you more time to do the things that you want to do instead of the things that you have to do around the house. Freeing yourself from unused space can save time and money, which is why it’s one of the most common reasons people decide to downsize.
Yard maintenance.
Did you know that both of our patio homes have included yard maintenance? No more working outside mowing and trimming on a Saturday afternoon (unless that is your thing).
You can be close to the things and the people you love most.
Is your older family home keeping you “stuck” to a location that your children have moved away from? Downsizing could be an opportunity to save money and move closer to family. Think of all of the events that you could attend, birthday parties, recitals, school plays, and all the in between moments!