How to Keep New Home Wear and Tear to a Minimum

There are several things that you can do when designing your new home that will help with the wear and tear of kids, pets, and even you!
Here is a list of items to keep in mind when designing your new home.
Hardwood Flooring: Think about how many times your kids drop their cup of juice, spill their cereal, or even worse get sick on your floors. While none of those things are ideal or fun to clean up, having hard wood floors makes it 10 times easier than if you had carpet. So keep in mind where you have hardwood floors in your new home, the stairs are one often overlooked spot!
Carpet Selection: While we realize that not everyone wants hardwoods throughout the entire home, choosing a durable and child friendly colored carpet is important. While the very white carpet might look nice, will it still have that white sheen after a year of your toddler or dog living on it? Also keep in mind the feel of the carpet. Certain carpets are going to show dirt, lines, etc. more so than others. At our Design Studio we are sure you will find the perfect carpet for your home.
Tiled Bathroom Flooring: Splish splash your kids are taking a bath and soaking the bathroom floor while they are at it. Bath time is a fun time for kids, but splashing and playing in the tub can lead to a wet bathroom floor. Tile is super easy to mop up, and will not welt and be ruined by a little bath time fun! Plus there are so many different styles of tile, that you can really have fun when designing this space!
Laundry Room Shelving: One great way to keep little hands off of cleaners, detergents, pods, etc. is laundry room shelving. Keep those dangerous cleaning products stored up high, out of reach and and out of sight! You can even add cabinets to completely hide those items from little ones eyes.
Kid Space: A bonus room, spare bedroom, or even a basement can all make the perfect “kids space”. A place for the kids to store their toys, games, etc. and not clutter your Family Room.