Halloween, The Perfect Time to Meet Your Neighbors

Moving into a new neighborhood comes with a lot of change. The prospect of meeting all your new neighbors and getting to know the people who live nearby can be daunting. But if you’re moving in the fall, making new friends in the area is a lot easier. Why? Because Halloween, celebrated by walking around the neighborhood and greeting everyone – from friend to stranger – is the perfect time to meet your new neighbors.
Here are a few ways to quickly meet your new neighbors this Halloween:
Stock Up on Candy for Trick-or-Treaters
Moving can be hectic, but even if your move-in date is October 31st, don’t skip handing out candy. Stock up on candy for kids, and be sure to chat up parents that tag along. They’re probably curious about their new neighbor, and nothing says “great first impression” like handing out some top-tier candy.
Dress Up Your House with Spooky (But Wholesome) Decorations
Besides candy, the best part of Halloween is all the fun decorations! Jack-o-lanterns, dancing skeletons, flying ghosts… take some time to dress up your home in some fun and spooky decorations! The goal is to be festive and inviting rather than genuinely creepy or gory. You want an opportunity to greet kids and their parents, so keep the decorations wholesome and not terrifying.
Make Halloween Gift Bags for Neighbors Close By
If you have the time, consider putting together a cute and fun Halloween gift bag for your next-door neighbors. Put aside any shyness and ring your neighbor’s doorbell with the treat – it’s an excellent excuse for walking around the neighborhood to meet the people who live nearby.
Join in Neighborhood Halloween Celebrations
Many neighborhoods hold block parties or group celebrations, especially those with small children who won’t be out past 7 p.m. Keep an eye on your neighborhood’s Next Door feed, billboards around the community, or your HOA board for any events. Attending these gatherings near your new home is a stress-free way to get out and meet your new neighbors.
Celebrating Halloween is a great way to get to know your neighborhood and community. If you have young trick-or-treaters in your house, be sure to greet neighbors along with your kid. And be sure to attend any neighborhood gatherings! If it’s a costume party, be sure to dress up. You’ll get comfortable with your new community in no time.