It's Time To Spring Forward

On March 8th it’s time to spring forward!  If you are like me, nothing screams Spring more than daylight saving time.  However, the exciting sign of Spring comes with a slightly sleepy Monday.

Daylight saving time has been blamed for car accidents, workplace injuries, and even stock market dips.  That’s because people are experiencing a new light-dark cycle.  With daylight saving time your body is working against your enternal body clock, you are getting less sunlight in the morning and more sunlight in the evening.  Your body needs a signal every day to reset this cycle.  That signal being sunlight.  When these cycles don’t line up, it can cause you to feel out-of-sync, tired, and grumpy.

With time your enternal body clock will adjust on its own, but here are a few ways to help it along:

1. Get some early morning sun Saturday and Sunday.  This can help the brains enternal body clock line up with the new light-dark cycle.

2.  Resist the urge to linger in the late sunlight Sunday and Monday evenings.


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