Give Your Yard Color Year Round

Making your yard look great is hard enough for one season, but making it look great for all 4 seasons can be a challenging task.  Spring to summer is always the easiest time since majority of plants bloom then.  The key is to pick a diverse selection of plants that have something different going on at different times of the year.  Here are a few ways to start spreading out your gardening interests this season.

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Add more variety:  Plant more plants and different kinds of them.  Even when planting a particular species, choose several different varieties of them.

 Do your homework:  You need to know what plants are in prime form at what times.  Then think about what your yard looks like in each season, and seek out plants that will add interest to those boring gaps.

Flowers Spring blog post

Move beyond 2 week wonders:  Move past the plants that only bloom a few weeks out of the year.

Look for plants that do more than one thing:  Lean towards plants that have multi-seasonal interest.  Some plants will flower in the spring, turn red in the fall, then develop berries in the winter.

Leaves have color too:  Pay attention to leaf color, especially plants that hold foliage over winters.

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Shop in different seasons:  Make a point to go to the garden center whenever your yard looks bare, and not just during the spring and summer months.

Don’t overlook hardscaping:  Pavers, stone walls, arbors, and benches add structure to your yard especially during the winter.

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All photos are courtesy of First Choice Landscaping!

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