Dust and Allergens, What to Know and How to Fight it!

It is that time of year again, allergy season!  We all love this time of year, the grass is green, flowers are blooming, and we can finally spend more time outdoors.  But with all of the good that comes with spring, you can’t forget the dreaded allergies that follow.  Indoors allergens such as dust and pet dander can be found in all homes.  While no home can be allergen free, there are several things that you can do to help reduce the amount of allergens that you are exposed to.

Dusting do’s and don’ts:  Who knew there was more to dusting then just wiping a clothe over a surface.  Dusting if done incorrectly can actually make things worse by stirring up the allergen particles into the air.  Using a damp clothe is always important, as it attracts the dust instead of spreading it around.  For a more step by step guide click here.

Vacuum to reduce allergens:  Vacuuming rugs and carpet can significantly help reduce dust and pet dander.  Use your vacuum attachments to help get to those hard to reach places like ceiling fans and corners.  Make sure your vacuum has a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter.  This filter will help filter out 99.7% of small particles.

Wash away allergens:  Sheets, pillows, rugs, and throw blankets are all dust hoarders.  Washing these items at least once a week will help reduce the accumulation of particles.  You can also buy allergen proof covers for your bedding.

Pet dander:  Although you may not be allergic to your pet, you could be allergic to the allergen particles riding on your pets back.  Having your pet groomed at least once a week is a great way to help reduce allergens.  It is also a good idea to wipe your pets feet and give them a good brushing before letting them come back inside.  Our pet centers make for the perfect spot to clean your pets on a daily basis!


Keep windows closed.  Yes it feels wonderful outside this time of year, and you want to have your windows and doors open as much as possible, but don’t forget that pollen is also high this time of year.  Nothing is worse then waking up with a runny nose and sore throat because you slept with the windows and doors open all night long!

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